Supervisory Training Program
The Collegewide Supervisory Training Program (STP) was established in April of 2009 based upon ongoing evaluation of the College’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) and observations from staff and administrators indicating that it would be beneficial to develop a foundational “Supervisory Training Program” (STP) for new supervisors, potential supervisors, and seasoned supervisors seeking to refresh existing skills and knowledge of College processes and procedures. Salary Plans A, B and D employees who have completed their probationary period at the College are eligible for the Program. The Program is preparatory in nature and does not guarantee advancement in position or supervision for any participant; nor does it guarantee future acceptance into the LDP. A program coordinator will develop and facilitate program workshops and provide support for the presenters. Participation in STP does not qualify for Professional Development Credit.
Program Plan
Objectives: The Program will provide workshops to facilitate the development of supervisory skills, increase knowledge of College processes and procedures, and increase knowledge of relevant laws and regulations that affect supervisors and may potentially impact the College.
Salary Plans A, B, and D employees are eligible to apply or be nominated by their supervisors for the Program. The Program will be mandatory for new supervisors. Participation is subject to supervisory approval.
Participants will complete evaluation forms for each workshop in an ongoing effort to enhance the quality of the program and to address employee needs. In addition, the Program Coordinator will solicit additional feedback on an “as needed” basis.
Participants will receive workshop completion certificates (workshops can be taken on an “ad hoc” basis subject to availability). Upon successful completion of the entire program, participants will receive a program completion certificate and be recognized at the Employee Recognition Event. Successful completion of the program requires:
- Attendance at all 18 core seminars.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Program Coordinator
A program coordinator will be responsible for the overall management of the program, including, but not limited to, the development of the workshops (including working with the various presenters), preparation and distribution of workshop materials, tracking enrollment and completion data, and follow-up evaluation of workshops. In addition, the program coordinator will provide updates to the Vice Presidents annually.
Workshop Descriptions
Personnel Policy Manual Overview
This workshop provides supervisors with an overview of the College’s Personnel Policy Manual in order to promote awareness of existing policies, to provide interpretation of said policies, and to increase the supervisor’s knowledge of how these policies impact both their employees and themselves.
Legal Insights for Supervisors
This workshop will help supervisors acquire knowledge of the types of situations in which the Legal Department should be contacted for guidance and knowledge of various laws, rules, and/or regulations impacting the College.
Title IX and Civil Rights
This workshop will emphasize the importance of maintaining an appropriate work environment, including providing an understanding of how sexual harassment and diversity are defined and providing knowledge of the College’s sexual harassment and diversity policies and procedures.
Evaluations, Performance Management, and Discipline
This workshop helps supervisors understand the performance management process, including tips and methods for successful employee performance appraisals and for describing employee behaviors and giving constructive feedback. Supervisors will gain an understanding of the steps in the progressive discipline process, including techniques for applying employee discipline. Included is the differentiation between “corrective action” and “disciplinary action” and the use of corrective action plans to minimize the need for disciplinary action.
Benefits: What Every Supervisor Needs To Know
This workshop will help supervisors develop awareness of important items in employee benefits rules, regulations, and procedures that supervisors need to know in relation to their employees.
Puzzled by Classification?
This workshop will help supervisors acquire knowledge of job analysis and of the difference between the Maintenance and Annual Review processes and forms, including possible end results for employees.
Recruitment and Hiring
This workshop will help supervisors understand College policies regarding non-discrimination, the overall process for recruitment and hiring, the process for obtaining Affirmative Action statistics, and tips and techniques for conducting effective employment interviews.
Budget and Finance Overview
This workshop assists supervisors in understanding both the College and Campus Budget processes, including: the sources and uses of funds, how the College’s financial management practices interface with State and Federal regulations, how to access relevant financial information and documents, and how to avoid pitfalls that can occur within the College’s financial management system.
Planning/Goals and Objectives
This workshop helps supervisors understand the difference between goals and objectives and provides tips for the effective development of each.
Conflict Resolution and Team Building
This workshop helps supervisors identify strategies for managing difficult situations and resolving conflict. This workshop also provides tips for building effective employee teams.
Effective Meetings
This workshop provides supervisors with tips for how to conduct effective meetings, how to develop agendas, and how to deal with difficult members.
Creative Problem Solving
This workshop helps supervisors understand why creativity is important in the workplace and provides some creative problem solving activities.
Communication Skills
This workshop provides supervisors with techniques for improving and enhancing interpersonal communication skills, including discussion of verbal and non verbal communication, listening skills, and written communications.
Time Management
This workshop explores strategies for managing time more effectively, including methods for planning and setting priorities.
Workplace Wellness
This workshop explores the concept of Workplace Wellness and how behavioral factors can influence employee productivity, morale, and overall work performance. This workshop will provide resources on maintaining workplace wellness.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
This workshop will help supervisors gain a better understanding of how to recognize and mitigate implicit bias.
Maximizing Your Strengths As A Manager
This workshop will provide supervisors with the tools needed to grow in a supervisory role and to be effective as a manager.
Cultivating College Customer Service and Professionalism
This workshop provides supervisors with essential skills for providing excellent customer service, including providing an understanding of how communications skills relate to customer service and general characteristics of professionalism and unprofessionalism.
Note: Additional “Elective” workshops may be developed as needed.
Supervisory Training Program Workshop Schedule 2025
Workshop | Date | Time |
Civil Rights & Title IX | Thurs., 01/09/2025 | 10 a.m. |
Workplace Wellness | Thurs., 01/23/2025 | 10:30 a.m. |
Effective Meetings | Thurs., 02/06/2025 | 10:30 a.m. |
Creative Problem Solving | Thurs., 02/27/2025 | 10 a.m. |
Time Management | Thurs., 03/20/2025 | 1:30 p.m. |
Communication Skills | Thurs., 03/27/2025 | 1:30 p.m. |
Benefits | Thurs., 04/03/2025 | 10 a.m. |
Maximizing your Strengths as a Manager | Thurs., 04/10/2025 | 10 a.m. |
Evaluations, Performance Management & Discipline | Fri., 05/02/2025 | 10 a.m. |
**This schedule is subject to change. Please review the portal's Collegewide announcements for specific dates, room locations, and/or workshop cancellation information.